Hello! Hoping you folks can help me sort this out. I have a Blackbox connected to a Lead 1010. USB is connected. I am getting 24v power to the Blackbox, but the fan doesnt turn on. Also, no stepper motor movement. Power LED is illuminated and limit switches are recognized and responsive when triggered manually. Have tried unplugging all stepper and limit switch connectors and powering up Blackbox, but still no fan. Feel like I am on the cusp of getting it up and running but just missing something. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
1) fan polarity (and please, if you had it in wrong way once before it is toast) 2) no stepper movement still sounds more like power wiring. Note power LED is it Green or red? What about the RGB led behind the top lid logo? 3) you say are you are getting 24v to BlackBox but where are you measuring? Make sure plug is wired with correct polarity, and seated properly. Make sure wires arent pinching insulation. Power switch on? Fuse OK?
Fan polarity is fine. I/O power light is green on Blackbox. Connectors have been triple checked. RGB is not lighting up.
Figured it out. The interconnection pins were misaligned. I appreciate the help troubleshooting. Helped me rule out the other possibilities.
Everything seems to be working fine now. Seems as if the female side had been bent slightly so all the pins were off to the side. Luckily, it came together pretty easily with a little persuasion. Thanks again for the help!
Perhaps you may be able to help with a. Issue? I connect a laser to my blackbox tool head port. Reset the settings in GRBL to re connect my router. My router will not work using the m3/m5 commands anymore. I’m using a solid state relay and it all worked up until I connected the laser