Best to revert to / compare against the backup you took when it was working, to see what has been changed
After many hours of wasted effort I can not get auto square to work. Now I am not sure it ever worked correctly. Now I have done something and the command line is no longer available. I am ready to switch to another controller and send this one back. Frustration level X10+.
Z homes correctly, X homes correctly, Y hits the first limit- does not back off then alarms that second limit is not found. what would cause Y not to back off when it hits the limit?
Haven't run a auto-squaring setup in a while bit possibly because it fails to find/activate the 2nd switch (might do backoff after both has been "seek"ed? You are using mechanical switches on the parallel input? Are sure you flashed Auto-squaring build? Homing sequences ($44-46) set correctly?
$43=1 ; Homing passes $44=4 ; Homing cycle 1 $45=3 ; Homing cycle 2 $46=0 ; Homing cycle 3 where do I find the documentation for these settings?
Send $$=?? where ?? = the number of parameter you are interested in (onboard help for each parameter) as well as (in particular for the core settings (some plugins has their own settings/m-codes/g-codes and own documentation too) The numbers is an axismask for any axis selection. X=1, Y=2, Z=4 (So for example $45=3 means 2+1 = X+Y at the same time, and $44=4 mean 4=Z = Z on its own) Z then XY Should work, but as a test, do Y on its own $44=4 (Z first) $45=1 (then X) $46=2 (then Y) Please confirm: Also, does clicking Y2's switch by hand light up Z as it should, in troubleshooting tab?