So i have one of the original bb's (the one where you had to assemble it). I was wondering so I can use a "hi-torque" stepper with higher voltage can i grab a step/dir from the bb? I would be using 4 drivers (2-y, 1-x, 1-z). Thanks
The signals are available (and labelled) on the Pin headers between the boards, so if you want to solder to those, you can pick it up from there.
Hi A know this is too old but just feel better to ask here not in new post, sorry if you don’t prefer this I can see header on the the BB32 but without detail on them like BBx4 not sure if they are same arrangement or how to know each one for what i need to connect external driver for Y only
Just sent to electronic guy and soldered Then for driver side (DQ542ma maybe) Will just connect step to PUL , direction to DIR And all negatives to -v in PSU , is that correct? same in photo here but without enable this related to xprov3
And is better to parallel signals for 2 drivers, use one bigger driver for Y1Y2 motors or just use original BB32 driver for Y1 motor and extrnal one for Y2 motor
no, do not connect the PSU ground to the signal ground you need 3 wires from the controller to the pulse and direction inputs on the driver GND ,DIR, PUL
I'm l sorry for my dumb questions I can solder to ground pin, i cant use for example door ground, limit switch/ toolhead ground? Really appreciate your help
i cant read the labels in your photo, too small. but at least one of those pins in a signal ground, use that. I don't know if the BBx32 shares an internal ground between the signals and 24v psu, I havn't seen the circuit diagram yet maybe @Peter Van Der Walt can tell us?
Thank you @Peter Van Der Walt @David the swarfer Yes i can see clearly GND pin above X DIR will solder wire to it Just thought i can use any GND on the BB Past week think to keep the new controller in a storage cabinet, really appreciate your help
I'm going to attempt to do the same connection, a BB4x and 4 external drivers controlling 4 stepperonline close loop motors. Can anyone report success on a similar scenario? Tks!
Just connected everything, y1&y2 move very quite and smoothly but the moving only one direction which is negative direction Turned off then on, they moved both directions for 20 seconds then again only one direction stepper drivers DM542t from stepperonline signals side Set to 5v (3.3-5v) step pin header from BB ——-> PUL+ Dir pin header from BB ———>. DIR+ Gnd pin header from BB ——— PUL- & DIR- motor and supply side A+ yellow A- green B+ blue B- red All openbuilds motors +VDC ————> v+ psu Gnd ————> v- psu I checked signal from BB to driver with multimeter all good connections
If both act the same, its the input signals. Make sure your drivers support 3.3v signals, some of the more budget drivers needs 5V signals
according to that inputs are 4.5 to 5.5v, so 3.3 probably not enough to drive the direction signal but is driving the step signal. You will need a buffer to translate the 3.3v signals to 5v TTL signals, maybe a 74hct04 hex inverter or 74hct125 or 139 buffer driver chips. I would not use one of those little bidirectional 4 or 5 way translators with the mosfets, they cannot handle the high frequency step rates.
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that is exactly the thing that will fail at high step rates (-: at least, I could not drive RGB LED strings through one of those at 800kHz. so, it all depends on real step rates I guess, an dhow well it can drive ~20ma into an LED *My* DQ542 drivers are quite happy on 3.3v direct from an ESP32, short wires and so on, maybe I just got lucky.