Is there enough juice in the blackbox to drive a single NEMA 34 step driver (plus drivers for the x and Z axis (NEMA 23)?
Depends ln the specs of the NEMA34. Coil rating in the 3-6v range, and current up to 3.2A (even if motor is rated higher in its peak rating, see if the torque curve is acceptable in the 2.5-3A range) will work.
Sorry, I’m new in the cnc world and trying to understand steppers and limits to blackbox. Would a nema 34 4.5Nm 5.5A .4ohms 2.2v 3.5mh+-20% work with the blackbox and would it give more torque over the nema 23 high torque from openbuilds currently sells?
It should work (nice low voltage coils) and should be a little more powerful, even if running at about half of maximum amps. The 3.5mH inductance may require a little more gentle acceleration, just keep in mind when tuning your parameters