Just got put together watching the video took old controller out and connected this controller cant connect in openbuilds software or other 24 v power supply a 1510 workbee. Tryed 3 different cables and i have just pulled off different controller that was working. Power white goes 24v black goes to grd
just hooked iot up and when I link all cables up the switches now say usb not recognized did with everything unhooked at first then hooked up just incase after powering down
ok I think that my switch wiring was wrong it changed it nothing plugged in doesn't connect what it supposed to say it is in device manager windows 10
In the pictures above, do you have your usb cable plugged into the box and the computer? The usb icon should light up when it is. Device mgr looks good. What's listed in com ports?
When u plug usb in there is a light at top on by stepper and the usb. on the side with reset comes on for a second.
Its hard to confirm in the pictures, and yes I know you have confirmed some of these but just for sake of a systematic approach, tick of these checks, one by one, in order: 1. Unplug everything from the BlackBox 2. Confirm that PORTS under device manager is indeed EMPTY (That COM5 isnt something else thats plugged into PC) 3. Connect JUST USB (no power, no motors, no limits, no tools, etc... JUST USB) - wait for PC to Enumate and show up as a USB Serial Port in Device Manager under Ports 4. Open OpenBuildsCONTROL 5. Click CONNECT: IF it still fails, go to the Serial Tab and grab a screenshot. PS Please don't use a camera pointed at your PC Screen, it makes for hard to read screenshots. Use the built in tools on Windows: SNIPPING TOOL , save and upload that instead. 6. You can also try just reflashing Grbl: in OpenBuildsCONTROL, go to "Wizards and Tools" at the top, then go to Grbl Flashing Tool on the menu 6.1 . Set it up like this: (Your COM port number will be different...) 6.2 Click Flash. Keep an eye on the Serial Log tab for details if it had success or failed.
Well, all in all those steps is about 5 minutes. Just keep your focus and work them one by one, in order
4 hours of searching forums to find out if anything else. I figured would work ouf of the box put the old controller back on so i could cut again.
Well, lets see the results of the tests. NB screenshots of that Serial Log tab, there it tells you everthing it does
Ok got new box and after turning on my black box axises lock then i move just a little and i have red lights on all axis but z something new.
I am not getting it to stop on the switches either Maybe some help here need to get this rolling defective part now i have red lights About ready to just send it back
Played with the voltage and i think i got the red lights out. Atleast for 10 mins ok 1510 normal limit switches i did like the manual about said but just broke a couple can any verify the color. I have black going to no and red c
The wiring to the switches doesn't matter - they will work properly whichever way they are wired. Alex.