Yesterday I designed a 3.5" x 1" circle to test the accuracy of the design, I cam'd it as before and used the XYZ probe, when I went to cut the job the bit went to the starting point and the Z axis went to the Pos, ( up) hitting the limit switch, when I used the simulate before cutting it functioned as cm'd,, what now,, I had just installed the link for the post processor for Fusion 360 following from the Doc. file on the O B site, Thanks
The fusion post does a G53 Z move (Machine coordinates) To use it you need limits installed and working correctly, machine homing working as per the cartesian standard (Z0 homes to top of the z axis) That G53 moves is the "z safe" move but in Machine coordinates
a - you need to make sure that your retract height is not too high b - you probably need to put in a negative number for the Z retract in the post to prevent hitting the limit switch