i found widget autolevel chilipeppr/widget-autolevel: The famous Auto-Level widget for ChiliPeppr. This widget lets you probe a surface for curvature and then it modifies your Gcode to match the warpage by doing raycasting. (github.com) need add in open build?
i try add function autolevel in github and make connect wifi, but i not sure is ok on auto level i can't use function printLog on some file need send text to serial console and map to gcode ?
We've never had time to fix the broken merge at To be tested at some point, sounds like an awesome feature by petervanderwalt · Pull Request #110 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL, nor test the code from that pull request, so if you can work on it to make it a proper, mergable, and fully tested feature we'd of course be happy to merge it. One more thought - I am more partial to fully frontend solutions - the one from To be tested at some point, sounds like an awesome feature by petervanderwalt · Pull Request #110 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL makes use of the backend as well (To be tested at some point, sounds like an awesome feature by petervanderwalt · Pull Request #110 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL etc) Chilipeppr's full frontend JS approach is more typical of CONTROL, can even be deployed as a Macro if we have doubts on merging it in as a fully supported feature (Getting started with Javascript Macros in CONTROL / Library of Macros created by the community) - so if I had to pick, it might be the one that i'd rather try to work on. It also uses ThreeJS like we do, so a lot of it can be ported Do note: CONTROL is aimed at beginners - so foolproof and easy to understand is key