It may be me... But I started surfacing my spoilboard with the built-in wizard in control and decided it was too deep a cut. So, I stopped the job and deleted it and restarted it with a lesser depth of cut on a new job. I zeroed it at the position it was at and then loaded a new surfacing job through the wizard but with lesser depth cut. I assumed it would start where it left off but it went back to the original place id started? Why is this?
Ok thanks ill give it another go... Just been thinking...... Also, when I jogged the machine to where i wanted it to start from and zeroed all axis's( bottom left corner), it started but the Y axis moved about 45mm so it started away from the front edge and I was left with a unsurfaced piece at the front?
Correct. It does a pocketing operation. It will move over 1/2" the diameter of the bit. So you can either account for that when you set zero, or you can do a manual framing pass by jogging after the surfacing job is done.