Can i use closed loop stepper motors with blackbox. If so do i need additional drivers and power supply. Any help would be appreciated.
The Blackbox is designed as an all-in-one solution, brains and drivers in one box. Though connecting external drivers to the brains board is technically possible, you cant really do it without duplicating much of the muscle board anyway. If you have the electronics skill then the schematics are available and you can start there and remove the drivers, add headers, and have some boards fabricated for you. I would just connect direct to an Arduino Uno, maybe via a GRBL shield.
Closed loop steppers or closed-loop stepper+driver kits? They usually come as the latter, but you can buy the steppers by themselves. You can technically run the motors open-loop and simply ignore the encoder wiring; this would work on BlackBox. If you have the kits with the drivers, all you need is a controller. This can be anything, but the cheapest, simplest and most similar to BlackBox is an Arduino Uno, as David says.