Hi everyone I'm new to this forum. Maybe it's crazy but I would like to improve my CNC 3018 pro which is fitted with a SainSmart Genmitsu GS-775 20,000 RPM spindle (https://www.sainsmart.com/collectio...s-775m-24v-20-000-rpm-motor-noise-suppression) with the BlackBox Motion Control System and a power supply (input: 110 V / 220 V 50/60 HZ. Output: DC 24V max 10A, 240W. Default output voltage 24 vdc): can it be done or are there incompatibilities? Knowing nothing about electronics, I kindly ask you for help. All this comes from having burned the control board of the CNC 3018 pro (https://www.sainsmart.com/collectio...r-genmtisu-cnc -router-3018-3018-pro-1810-rpo) when I connected the aforementioned 20k spindle although I took all precautions to avoid overloading the power supply through a gradual start-up of the spindle (as indicated in the file that I attach), when I brought the spindle to 100% perhaps because (somehow) it required more current than the controller board could handle (although in theory the control board had an Input voltage of 24V (12-24V) In short, I don't want to take the risk of burning another card again. I got bored! Waiting for a kind reply, thank you in advance
You need a PWM Motor controller to run a DC motor. You cannot just connect a motor straight to a control signal, you need a seperate power supply, and a Motor controller as well
Thanks Peter, but can't I manage the modulation of the spindle start-up (and working) speed directly from the Candle software? Do I need to install a Spindle speed controller?
You need a device to control power flow to the motor, which reacts to a PWM or 0-10v signal from the BlackBox/Grbl controller - its hardware: pwm motor controller for775 motor - Google Search