Hi I am looking to make a CNC Lineal and rotary UV inkjet printer. I want to be able to print on round pipe around 36" long but will also need to make something to rotate the pipe so I can print on the other side I know I can use the same principle as a CNC router/laser setup but its the print head stuff that I am stumped on. Anyone know of any builds similar I can look at?
This is the problem i had etc. the hardware such as machine ink supply and engineering of machine is no problem but trying to get a uv ink compatible print head head driver board controller/ software will be next to impossible at a reasonable cost effectiveness. the way i see it is you could purchase a print head like a ricoh gen5 or 6, head board, head control board and main control card from somewhere like aliexpress but i imagine you will have issues customizing some of the Chinese software to function correctly for your setup, alternatively you could try somewhere like Your innovation partner for industrial inkjet applications - Global Inkjet Systems