Hello, I have been given this ( https://www.zipy.it/seller/ali/220679004/800w-spindle/517342384/ ) spindle and driver for a school project and I'm a complete novice. For this project I only need to control the speed of the rotation and have a time stamp. I have an arduino UNO with a relay and was wondering if I could simply use a PWM with the on/off on the driver to control the speed. I also see a lot of people with an external PWM controller. Also, there's a mach3 signal 0-10V on the driver. Is that another way to control the speed or is that only for using the mach3 cnc program. I suppose I was just wondering if I need all programs and add ons I see in the full builds if all I need is to control the rpms. I think I can write the code and everything once I have it attached I just don't know how to go about that. Thanks in advanced!
I don't know about the time stamp but it looks like you'll be able to control the RPMs with a controller since it says on the Spindle controller that is does the speed control with 0 to 10V.