My lead 1515 cnc machine stops randomly towards the end of surfacing. The x motor does not get hot when its going side to side I'm only taking off .02 at a time with 50 percent stopover Things I've done to try and fix the problem -switched motors -checked all connections -tighten loose bolts -put a fan on the x motor -cleaned track out really well. (It was previously get stuck with the build up) For some reason it will never fully finish
I had a camera mounted on a motor would create a false alarm on the motor to cause everything to stop ?
Would raise an alarm onscreen. Was there a popup error? If its always the X motor, see docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] but could also be docs:blackbox-x32:currentadjustment [OpenBuilds Documentation] if the Fault LED switches on. Check the serial log, could be EMI too: docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Okay I have turned up the power a 1/4 turn up and have grounded everything so far so good I will keep you updated thank you for your help
The link would have advised to check the Fault LED first, if that is what comes on, it should have been turned down. Just something to keep in mind if the issue reoccurs - if that was the root cause - turning it up should overheat the drivers faster
Yeah there was never a flashing light I did mark where it was previous set i will adjust it back.. with the grounding I was getting shocked pretty good.. maybe it was just that. It's working really good currently.