Hi Guys I've spent the last week trying to get my stepper motors to turn. I've been over the wiring diagram three times, and can't find any faults. Driver dims are set correctly to match the stepper motor amps, speed, and stepper motors are wired to the correct pairs. I can flash the ardunio in open builds fine, and everything works as it should. When clicking on the x or y axis, sometimes I get the slightest bit of movement that's it. I am thinking Its a software or hardware issue but have tried just about everything and I'm becoming very frustrated. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Photos of GRBL settings and board. power supply 24v 15amp DM556 stepper motor driver TB660 stepper motor driver nema 23 stepper motor 425 in/oz nema 23 stepper motor 269 in/0z arduino uno control board (fake)
do the motors lock up when power is applied? if so then drivers are enabled ok if not then I see you do not have the driver enable wired to the Uno, but you do have +V wired to the enable + pin, you may need to disconnect that (depends on internal driver wiring, may not matter) On my drivers I left the enable pins unwired since the driver is enabled by default. do the motors whine when you try to move them? if so then your maxrate is probably way too high (and accelerations too, start low, work up). if not then you need to invert the step pins , setting $2 , because you have wired them active low by connecting +V as common on the drivers. maxrate and accelerations are more like these defaults for a belt machine maxrate 2500 acceleration 500 steps/mm 40 start low and work up, maxrate and acceleration are a balancing act, you can have insane maxrate at lower accelerations, or insane acceleration at lower maxrates. but, start low so you can actually get it working. I note that your step/mm are wildly different for the 3 axes. this means you can expect 3 different sets of maxrate and acceleration to match each mechanical system. Also note those nice round values are still subject to calibration, belts stretch and leadscrews are never exactly the stated pitch, so we always have to calibrate (use the wizard in OpenbuildsCONTROL over the longest distance you can measure on the machine). Do the calibration with low maxrate and acceleration values, we want the motion to be 100% reliable for this.
Double (and triple) check that you don't have the 'step' and 'direction' connections crossed over. Almost impossible to check from the photos as you've used the same wire colour for both!