Hi guys! Before Christmas I had some issues, that I just started addressing. The machine has worked just fine with larger projects, but when we are down to tiny engravings etc, it struggles hard. Link to the previous thread here: https://openbuilds.com/threads/ox-stuttering-x-and-y-axis-cnc-xpro-v3.10667/ So, I am building a box for the controllers, psu etc. and doing some rewiring with some better cables. And I am adding a 2w laser as well, not sure how good that will turn out on such a large machine, vibrations and all, but it is worth a try. I bought 4 used DM542A to use with the CNC xPro V3, and I want to see how you set it up, if you have. I am the kind of guy that learns best from pictures, and not to read pages and pages of diagrams, how to's and specs, so if you have pictures of your build, please post them!