cześć wszystkim Potrzebuję bardzo pomocy z oprogramowaniem w moim CNC XPRO V5. Ma zainstalowany GRBL ESP 32 (1.3a) i o ile widzę, jest niekompatybilny ze wszystkimi konwerterami Gcode. Nie działa z Laser GRBL i LightBurn. Wszystko działa bardzo dobrze, dokonałem ustawień i uruchomiłem Laser w programie CNCjs. Jednak ten program nie tworzy G-Code. Napisałem do programisty XPRO V5 ale nic nie odpowiada bo chciałbym zmienić oprogramowanie z 1.3a na 1.1f aby było kompatybilne z programami . Czy ktoś miał takie problemy jak ja. ? Kierowca kosztuje dużo pieniędzy i nie działa Proszę pomóż Pozdrowienia
I dont have an xPro V5, but grbl_esp32 and grbl are not the same thing so no, you cant put grbl 1.1f on it. Check the xPro V5 wiki for info on how to configure lightburn: Front_Panel · Spark-Concepts/xPro-V5 Wiki
Yes I think because of the different characteristics of the ESP 32 the 1.1f version will not fit . GRBL 1.3a is incompatible with all programs which makes my driver useless. Spark concepts does not help and yet I bought an expensive driver. I do not have a comparison with other XPRO V5 users because maybe I have defective.
It says so, but that's not true unless they have several versions of the software. I manually created my controller in Lightburn and selected it as GRBL. I set the S power and the operating position It connected but I noticed that it often crashes when selecting a move in JOG mode After firing up the lettering to engrave on my material after a few seconds error 25 popped up - Work stopped
Error 25 is sometimes caused by data corruption between your PC and the controller (the end of one line or the beginning of the next gets lost resulting in two G words in the same line). How are you connecting to your Xpro v5? If by usb, check that you have a short, high quality, usb lead (2 metres or less) and that there are no wires that might emit emi (interference) close or parallel to it - mains wiring or even stepper motor cables. Alex.
Also check into Issues · bdring/Grbl_Esp32 for that specific Grbl fork (onwards renamed to fluidnc - as they move further and further away from Grbl the name change is good to avoid confusion)
The USB cable is of good quality. The controller is in a cabinet with 24V switching power supplies for the controller and 12V for the laser. A good brand because Mean Well drp-240-24. The wires to the motors in the shield, which is connected to ground.