My CNC Xpro3 controller board has been working fine up till now. Today the setting $4=1 changed to 0, so I had leds on but no stepper movement. I reset it and now I have both green leds on showing power, but no leds on the stepper motor connections and the motors are not locking. I checked and had to reset almost all of the default setting for my OX CNC. Still nothing. Is there a reset button somewhere or should I reflash the board. If I need to reflash, how do I do it on a MAC.
Sounds like you had an EEPROM reset, so it wiped all Grbl settings (not just $4). Restore your last saved settings / last profile you used. If you don't have a saved set of your settings, you'll have to set it up again. $4=1 is needed to set the correct mode for the drivers $1=255 is needed to "lock" the motors always on See gnea/grbl for all the details