Is there a page or post that compares the new Blackbox x32 to the old Blackbox?? I found this page: docs:blackbox-x32:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] but I haven’t found a “shut up and take my money!” comparison anywhere yet. Thanks
briefly, the main things are x32 has: 2 relay outputs (BB has 1) XYYZ or XYZA driver configuration, where A is a rotary axis (BB is always XYYZ, no rotary) builtin Wifi interface much higher step frequency limit, which means you can run something faster, or run higher microstep rates and get the same feedrates. and a few other small things I cannto recall right now. I suppose one could compare the page you linked to this one docs:blackbox-4x:start [OpenBuilds Documentation] for the details.
Thanks David!! I've been working my way through the documentation page but the info you provided is what I was looking for. I appreciate the follow up!
I compared A to B in this file based on the info from: docs:blackbox-4x:layout [OpenBuilds Documentation] docs:blackbox-x32:layout [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Maybe its obvious but one item that you could add to your list is that the X32 will likely get new features added to it and the 4X will probably not. Just seeing tool change support in the grblHal settings has me hoping that it will be in the future.
Agree. I expect the existing BlackBox to be superceeded by the new version with more computing power.
I'm getting the new Blackbox x32 and the "INTERFACE" pendant. They will be delivered on Saturday. The he-cup is that I can't install them until Christmas, because they are Christmas presents. Santa told me I could order it now, but I had to wait... I can't wait! The X32 is replacing an older "Blackbox" model. I'll let you know what I think when its installed. A couple items that I don't think was mentioned here... This new design has a microSD card slot. It also has two buttons, one button, I assume is "RESET". The second button, I'm betting is "RUN"/"PROGRAM", which will be very convenient for repeat-part processing and firmware upgrades.
Well, its still running the machine the X32 is going to be installed into. It would be rather suspicious if the wife saw the machine tore up and asking what I was doing. I'm not a very good lair!
nope, it is labelled 'Mode' and since ESP32 chips need a particular pin held low in order to boot into 'flash new software mode', that is probably what it is for. The SD card operates with the webgui so you can upload and then run files. but, better wait to you actually have one before making assumptions...
Correct, though it could be used by GrblHAL after bootup - not implemented. But GPIO0 is tied to the button, and one can configure some use case for it