I've indentified the motor coils, how do I connect them to black box? Do I now just mind to keep the correct pairs? Does A+A- B+B- make any difference?
Doesnt make a difference as long as a pair of wires belonging to one coil is on the two A's, and the other coil on the B's
Thanks. One more thing- after connecting the wires, machine works well, only in some places the edges became rough as in the photo. Does it mean I didn't connect the back box and the wires correctly? (I didn't change the settings of the machine) I also noticed that the rough edges are left every time the machine goes in a particular directions. This doesn't apply to the cut element.
Thats not wiring. Backlash, something loose mechanically, or too aggressive cut strategy leading to deflection. Use a finishing pass
Ok So I've tighten up x axis screws ( marked one) and its much better now but there is some loose left as in the film attached- is that ok or should I do something more?. I've also tightened the y axis. The settings worked fine up until now so it's not that. As for the finishing pass- I use open builds CAM and easel, is there a way to do it there?
Easy hack, lie about endmill diameter in first pass. Pretend is half a mm bigger than it is. That creates an oversized pass. Then run a inside/outside cut at actual endmi diameter to cleanup.
The endmill diameter hack works But another thing came out- I cut letters- so I need the element I'm taking out to be smooth. All my passes are outside (inside pass took off additional material equal to endmill diameter from the letters) and the finishing pass smoothes the edges that are left in the board. Is there a way to reverse that? To have the element I'm taking out be smoothed by finishing pass?
If i understand the problem correctly: Select insides and outsides together into one outside cut job, and make sure Union under advanced is enabled. That automatically handles the insides of O's and A's etc
I've applied all the suggestions The finishing pass smoothes perfectly all edges except the letter The material left is perfect- I love it, and want to make my letters this way TO make it more clear I attach photos What I need is the letter I take off the board.
Lie about the bit being smaller? Or you are selecting the wrong side of the cut, CAD setup, etc. inside vs outside etc. Experiment away