I built a 28"x30" CNC Plasma Cutting table and am using the BlackBox x32 controller. I calibrated the X and Y axis, but when I run a sample GCODE file (no cutter installed) - the 3D view trace doesnt seem to match the orientation of my table. The size of the design when the head is moving around the table looks too big compared to the 3D view. The whole design seems like is should be around 9" wide at most, but the head moves all over the table surface when it is running. It also looks like the design is rotated 90 degrees or something. When I clicked the CHECK option, the head moved around a rectangle about half the size and rotated 90 degrees. When I jog the X and Y axis in the + and - direction - they go the intended/expected direction. If I click the GOTO Zero (after setting it where I want it) - it doesnt seem to want to go back to the same HOME. Are there settings I need to look at? Thanks in advance
That Gcode file generates a design with an oval outline about 9" wide x 5" tall. The 9" dimension is parallel to the X axis. If that's not what the machine is doing, then you may have the X & Y axes mixed up - they need to form a right handed set with the vertical Z (image from here) (With the thumb of your right hand pointing up, the index finger points to X+ and the second finger points to Y+) The X,Y zero that you set for the work isn't the same as 'Home' (which is the machine reference position). The gcode file has work X,Y zero at the bottom left hand corner, so the design should appear in the same place relative to the current machine X,Y zero.
When I jog the machine using CONTROL in the X and Y directions - it goes as expected. The size of the design is way bigger than expected. is there a setting to tell it that the dimensions are in metric vs imperial? So that 22 is in mm not inches?
But do the X & Y axes correspond to the right hand rule? Units are set in the GCode file: G20 for inches, G21 for mm (GCode reference) Your file has G20 at the start, so numbers will be interpreted as inches. You can change the units displayed in Control using the tabs above the coordinate readout. Calibration is always done in mm - maybe re-check the calibration?
I did the calibration in mm a couple of times and it seems spot on. When I stand at my machine, the Y axis is on my left, Y+ goes away from me, Z is up, X+ goes to the right from the Y axis. Would it be helpful to provide a link to a video that shows how my machine runs this file?
What does the CHECK icon do on the CONTROL software interface? It seems like it ran a square/rectangular pattern but it only covered about half of my cutting area
It runs the extens of the job. MinX to MaxX, and MinY to MaxY For the file in your first post approx X0 Y0 to X220ish and Y130ish in Inch (same as the grid shown onscreen - which is the extent of your JOB (not machine)
that makes sense. But it seems like it is rotated 90 degrees from the orientation of my machine. Here is a picture of my machine and the dimensions that I set up
The job and grid has no concept of your machine. You CAMed up the job in the way its shown. Thats the job, thats the size of the job. You SetZero where the job expects Zero. The machine's working area is shown as the light gray cube in the 3D view and will only show up once you HOME all axes AND have Max Travel configured correctly. Again, the grid and job = your gcode. The cube is the Machine envelope
Grbl Settings > Max Travel PS: You gotta spend a little time and read the documentation: Grbl v1.1 Configuration
Those axis directions are OK. The orientation will match the screen if you look at the machine from the side opposite the garage door in your photo (with your X axis beam running left-right and the plasma cutter holder nearest you). By convention the X axis is horizontal on screen. By default, the machine 0,0 will be diagonally opposite where you have it though.
I finally got things sorted out. Here was my problem for future reference: When I was calibrating the Y-Axis in CONTROL, the GRBL wasnt getting updated with my new settings for some reason like it did with the X axis. When I used the Calc Steps link on the GRBL settings page and put in my parameters for my belt drive and such, the Y steps/mm finally updated properly. Once that happened - the GCODE ran as expected. Not sure if there is a bug in CONTROL or not, but it is working now. Thanks