I've been looking at the vlachoudis site and I'm still confused, I found the 'Text' information in the user file but I can'y figure out where it is in the buttons at the top of bCNC. Thanks for your help.
I dont use bCNC, I was trying to point you in the right direction. If you can't figure it out, why not give Openbuilds CAM a spin. It has text built in and its easy to use (in my limited experience): OpenBuilds CAM Gcode Creator - Public Beta You can save the gcode file, then use bcnc to run it. ...or, use Openbuilds Control
in bCNC click Tools then you see a bunch iof icons like Cut,Profile,Pocket,Drill,Tabs and so on. at the bottom of that toolbar is a grey tab labelled CAM with a little triangle next to it. click that CAM word Now you see a menu, and Text is on the Generator submenu