Hello, I have bought the Sphinx 55 and the Black Box. When I went through the documentation of the current adjustment I came along this explaination. Adjust the current until you can no longer stall the motor under normal operating conditions. Could someone please give me more information about the "how to?" By this explaination I understand that I have to take hold of the shaft ( nema 23 ) with my hands and try to hold it for as long as I can while turning the "pot". This can't be the way... or is it ? Confused and feeling like an idiot... . Nema 23 : 23HS8430 Help
Only if that is your Hehehe But no, on the machine as it has to work against resistance of the Leadnuts/belts, wheels, inertia, weight etc. Just know its there... If its under powered it will stall out when you work. Adjust it up a little. Or if its too high the drivers will overheat, shutdown and throw a nice red Exclamation mark LED on the front