Bit of a noob here. I have a package of cribbage board CNC files... they come with both an SVG image and pre-generated gcode. There were a few errors in the gcode (some random holes that aren't supposed to be there) so I opened the SVG in FreeCAD and fixed the image. When I bring the fixed SVG into OpenBuilds CAM to generate the gcode, I can't figure out how to set the toolpath to cut in between two lines. It also wants to trace out every number and letter according to each edge, rather than cutting it in the center of the numbers/letters. I've attached an image in the CAM software showing how the SVG is designed, plus an image in the Control software of the original gcode that was included with the package. I've also included an image in CAM showing the toolpaths it's creating. I've tried path inside and path outside but it doesn't give the desired result. Any idea?
You can Pocket inside the letters. Select the text seperately, create a Pocket with an Endmill small enough to fit everywhere inside. Cut between lines: that file is just weirdly designed there. Draw the outline, CAM does the offset. Shouldn't be two lines. Just select the one that defines the outside of the part and run an Outside cut