I know I had some silly ideas earlier, on another thread, with regard to an extra Z-axis for a Laser to be fitted to. Not really feasible, but, I'm getting into the idea of an extra removable X-axis. This would be a complete actuator with a light Z-axis, a Laser and stepper motor, which can be quickly "clipped" onto my fixed gantry machine. There would be very little weight, compared to the Chinese Spindle on the existing X-axis, so speed can be maintained and the Z would have to be of a minimal length to cater for the Laser focus. Then I can unplug the existing X & Z supplies and plug in the new ones. The new Laser X-axis would be far lower than the existing CNC X-axis, and would not be hindered by it, other than losing a small amount of the width due to the CNC Z-axis being parked at one side or the other. Food for thought and Comments.