Every time I make a setup using "OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrbl.cps" I get a save error, "cannot be saved" "cross-team reference" thanks, -Brian
Are you sure you mean setup? Creating a new setup doesnt involve the post processor at all. What version of the post are you using? What version of fusion (paid or free)? A screenshot of when and where this error happens would be helpful.
Nothing to do with the post , unless of course it was installed by a different 'team' (-: This is a message related to having resources in different teams. "Design contains external references located in another team" false warning in Fusion 360 | Fusion 360 | Autodesk Knowledge Network
I cant replicate that error. What happens if you dont select a machine in your setup and DONT check "Use machine configuration" in the Machine and Post post processor settings?
"Design contains external reference(s) from other teams." -I can save if I select nothing. -I can also save if I select the Generic Autodesk 3 Axis. -The problem seems to be the Openbuilds Workbee 1010 machine library, I was using an earlier version and updated to the April 2022 version same problem. -looks like I'm moving back to the Generic library.
Did you install the post yourself, in your own cloud library - or was it installed by another member of your "team"
Can anyone else explain what he means by machine profile. I just did another job for the Workbee and the same problem is still there? It this a clue? Are there permissions on uploaded files? "Various Spacers" was an image I uploaded as a canvas.
You said " Openbuilds Workbee 1010 machine library". Which I assumed meant the machine profile since machine library isnt "post". Anyhow, its not the post. its the files you are using. Did you follow the link that swarfer posted above? Does PostGrbl.cps need a special group in Fusion 360?