So it's been a very long time since I've had to maintain or calibrate my machine and I unfortunately need to calibrate my axes because my measurements are off. I have the blackbox with interface controller. Here's the bad part - I don't have a laptop that will connect to the box, and I don't have a desktop I can take out to the shop to use blackbox CONTROL. My laptop won't connect through the USB, I keep getting com errors and for the life of me I can't get the stupid pile of...'laptop' connect. *deep breath* So does anyone have a suggestion on how I can get things squared away in light of this situation? Any advice greatly's been a couple years since I've done any tweaking on this thing and that information compartment has apparently been jettisoned.
1) zero out axis 2) move some distance (doesn't have to be exact) 3) note down distance onscreen 4) measure actual distance 5) note down current steps per mm value from Tools and Utis > Edit Grbl Settings Using 3, 4 and 5 and the formula below Code: (distance expected as shown on DRO / distance measured) * current steps value = NEW steps per mm value. calculate new steps per mm, enter into grbl settings.
remember to reset the BB after changing the settings before you do another move to check the distance