I have the WorkBee CNC Platform and I have used the OpenBuilds Router Mount ( Router / Spindle Mount ) to anchor my DeWalt 611 to my Z axis... I'm attempting to build this open source dust shoe from Avid CNC ( Universal CNC Dust Shoe | Avid CNC ) for my dust collection. However there is a minor set back. The frame of the dust shoe does not fit between my z axis extrusion and my router. It catches on the bottom of the z-axis extrusion and cannot slide between the z-axis and the router. The mount for it does not come out far enough. Now the obvious option is to slide the router down past the bottom of my z-axis extrusion but that really chews up a lot of range on my z-axis. I'm not overly keen on purchasing a $150.00 dollar dust shoe unless absolutely necessary. Does anyone have any suggestions other than lowering my router along my z-axis? Or does anyone know of other open source dust shoes I could build that would fit. At this point any suggestions are welcome. Thanks guys.
As its an open source dust shoe, I'd suggest taking that, and the machine model into CAD, tweaking the dust shoe design to add clearances where needed, then cut that out?
Thanks for the suggestion Peter. I'll do some searching around here and see what other options I can find.
I think I've figured it out. I'm going to shim the router mount out about 20mm so the shoe clears the front of the c-beam. Thanks again for the suggestion Peter.
That may increase the leverage of the sideways cutting forces against your Z axis, causing extra deflection
I thought about that too Giarc but the hoop or frame that goes under it holds the bristles for the dust shoe. Whatever I do to the top I have to do to the frame. And cutting that much off gets into the bristles of the frame. Thanks for the idea though.
Oh. Sorry to hear that. It should not be a tough fix in Fusion 360. The files are provided if you wanted to go that route.
There's a youtube video from Avid cnc that goes through customising the shoe for different routers - not seen it myself but have you looked?