hi, I posted in the incorrect forum yesterday, and I managed to narrow my issue down. what was frustrating is that I was unable to recover my work. I had inadvertently left some text in my dxf, and cam allowed me to load the dxf, and build tool paths etc, save and generate the gcode, however when I came to recover my workspace later, I got the following error. If I delete the offending text from the dxf or in the document properties in cam, it works too. sample files included...
Just a thought, as the cam software is "beta", A Feature request? is it possible to have cam object when loading unsupported line types from dxf? or perhaps change the colour of the unsupported line type in the document frame, like maybe expand the file navigator to the offending object? It would have saved me a few hours of confusion
Not easy to do, but already on the wishlist Thanks for the suggestion See docs:software:file-errors [OpenBuilds Documentation] and From CAD to CAM, Cleaning up 2D DWG files for CNC.
Another option - when I have issues with text from my cad program viewing/appearing corrupted or causing glitches when opening in CAM program. I use CorelDraw to layout text and then export as dxf or dwg file opting to Convert Text to Curves. Then text is just another line or polyline. My SOP: the design is one file - the text is a different file that is converted to curves. I merge the two in the final design. This method is especially helpful when I place text along a curved path.
wow coreldraw is still around?! Testing graphics drivers in the late 90's, early aughts was the last time I saw that app. It really does have a function then! I'm not much of an artist other than at 'crastinatin', then i'm a pro.