Hi I am relatively new to working with CNC. We have a 1515 Rail CNC with Blackbox Controller. Is it possible to edit the home sequence for the Z axis in the firmware to the Blackbox? I need that when it makes the home sequence for the Z axis and after hitting zero"sensor", I want it to make an offset of Z+ 24mm before it homes the X and Y Axis. It requires the construction We have made for the cnc cutter Or the cnc will hit the metalprofile frame with the standard home value.
Z homes up and away, before XY. Are you accidentally homing to the Bottom? Set limits to the top of the Z axis and adjust $23 accordingly
Thank you Peter for that hint. It raises the z axis up before driving home towards X and Y. Then the Z axis is home I would like it to send the Z axis an additional 24mm Z + as the Z axis is not raised far enough up by sending it home and therefor it would crashes into the metal construction. I will add some picture of the problem later today, If it turns out that it is not possible to make an offset to the Z , then I have to turn the arm around on the blacksmith and get him to build the construction lower hehe.
Z- is down toward the bed. Furthest Z+ can ever go is the Z axis Homing switch. You cannot move "an additional ..mm" above the switch. The switch has to be placed where you need it to be Z0 = trigger point of switch with Z up and away from the bed as far as it will go. Z- moves all moves away from the switch and down toward the spoilboard. Z+ raises the Z axis up and away from the spoilboard, but only as far as the Z axis homing switch (at least while possible to do so, that would crash into the switch) Z's value is always less than 0 in machine coordinates. See Frequently Asked Questions · gnea/grbl Wiki Move the switch up by 24mm then if you need an extra 24mm height Some pics of your setup may help us explain better
Thank you for the explaining . Today I talked with my blacksmith and We concluded together that the blacksmith should lower the metal construction it is the easy way to get around the problem. I have attached some pictures of the problem so it was not completely in vain with your help. The CNC machine is and Makersupplies.dk Piranha RAIL 1515 a really great machine with Blackbox controller.