I'm considering building a Workbee, but I'd likely buy a 1000mmx1000mm mechanical kit, as I've got plenty of spare electronics parts from previous projects and I like things to be highly modular. I was going to re-use my CNC shield and Arduino, along with DRV8825 drivers - but I don't know if this will be good enough for the 4 x 175oz stepper motors. I already have a 350W 24V PSU, which I was planning to use with these (if it's powerful enough). I notice that a lot of people here directly interface some DQ542MA (or leadshine DM542T) steppers with an Arduino - could I run 4 of these and the 4 x 175oz steppers from a single 350W 24V PSU? If that's do-able, I'm tempted to go down this route as it's very modular and I can re-purpose them in future. Also, as the machine uses 4 stepper motors - do I need 4 separate drivers or can I connect the two steppers on the same axis in series to share a driver and make do with 3 drivers? Many thanks for any advice!
Hi IanC, The PSU is good, I would go with the discrete 542 drivers, will be more power headroom and reliable. You probably have a Arduino Uno? to make hookup easy get yourself a screw-shield like this, one of thousands listed , can probably find one shipping from your country and it will be quicker. Cheers Gary
Hi Gary, Thanks for the info - I've not got one of those screw shields, but they look great - I'll order one now . Yep, it's the Arduino Uno I've got. It looks like I can buy official leadshine DM542 drivers for the same price as the DQ542MA, so I guess it makes sense to get the former? Glad to hear I can run 4 of those and the steppers from a single 350W 24v PSU . Do you know what current I should aim to run the motors at? Also, any thoughts on running the dual stepper axis in series?
IanC, Yes I got mine from Openbuilds because the support is great. While you technical could run 2 of those motors from one driver, it's frowned upon here Set the current to just under the rated current of the motor, and see how warm they get, you want warm but not super hot. Cheers Gary