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Discussion in '3D printers' started by David Bunch, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. fr0sty

    fr0sty New

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Thanks a lot, I'll give those a go in the coming days.

    A general question on your .scad files if you have a moment: What is your workflow to create and maintain the lists of points you are using for your polygon(...) commands? See "module Vertex_Outline()" in VertexBottom_2x_EM12TH_4xEMT12V_rev115.scad as an example. I'm guessing you aren't creating those via dead reckoning...
  2. David Bunch

    David Bunch Veteran

    Oct 27, 2014
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    Using Draftsight Pro (AutoCAD clone), I have a lisp program to generate polylines from arcs (I usually have segments of an arc around .7mm lengths, but can change that when generating the data). I then use pedit to joint all lines & polylines from the arcs into 1 continuous polyline. I then use another lisp program to pull all the points from a polyline into a text file. I copy all those points into a visual basic program I wrote which generates the linear_extrudes and copy & paste that converted data into openscad. Consequently the coordinates of all those points are quite accurate. I can change the number of decimal places of the data, but figured .01mm is close enough. That probably sounds like a lot of steps, but I have been using this technique for a couple of years & it works really well for me & only takes 10 seconds or less usually to pull points from Draftsight to openscad. You could accomplish this same thing using an imported DXF file and occasionally I do, but I like all the data in one file.
    fr0sty likes this.
  3. fr0sty

    fr0sty New

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Ok, time for an short update after a brief (ha!) hiatus:

    For various reasons (probably related to needing table space, needing some extra parts, and life getting in the way) the project was mothballed early in 2019. This past week my son found the box of parts and is taking it upon himself to oversee the assembly. It is going reasonably well and I'm trying not to interfere too much with the process.

    One hitch we have hit relates to interference between the bottom brace and the horizontal pipe retaining clips: The bottom brace has a vertical feature with a bolt hole and that interferes with the back leg/finger of the clip. I "solved" the problem with a pair of diagonal cutters but having a separate part to print might be more elegant.

    More updates as they become available.
  4. David Bunch

    David Bunch Veteran

    Oct 27, 2014
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    Glad you found a solution to the problem. It has been quite a while since I have looked at this design, so I would need a photo or two to see what you are actually referring to.
  5. fr0sty

    fr0sty New

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Found the issue: I should have printed 6x of "EMT_18mmVertex_DoveTailBrackets_Rev2.stl" instead of all "EMT_18mmVertex_DoveTailBrackets_Rev2.stl"

    The dovetail version of the bracket would have had sufficient clearance, but since I already printed enough of the others (and the trimmed version seems to have plenty of hold) I'm going to go forward with what I've got.

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