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Endstops not working

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Rendermandan, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Rendermandan

    Rendermandan Well-Known

    Dec 4, 2015
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    I've gotten to the point on my machine where I want to add some end stops. I know I should have had them there to begin with, but I was too anxious to get cutting...

    I have 3 end stop switches that are just the lever type, they don't have the roller at the end and I am assuming they should work ok based on how I'm going to mount them. I wired up three of the switches to my Grbl based arduino cnc shield. V3. I wired them to the Z+, X-, Y -. according to what I've read, I should not need any pull up or down resistors. All I need to do is wire the normally open tabs to the two pins on the board for each axis.

    I enabled homing in Grbl and soft endstops. I sent the home command and the Z axis moved up but when it hit the endstop it crashed. I tested the switches to make sure they were working ok. When I press them by hand, I get a message in the grbl panel that and endstop has been hit (only after resetting and unlocking). I haven't been able to test X and Y since Z wont even work.

    Any ideas? Thanks.
    Wiskerstwo likes this.
  2. Rendermandan

    Rendermandan Well-Known

    Dec 4, 2015
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    Last night I think I solved it. I was reading how grbl changed some pinouts in the recent version. Low and behold they swapped the Z endstop for the Spindle Enable pins. I hooked up a temporary endstop to the other pin and guess what. it worked! I must have an older version of the board where the pins were not remapped.
    Preshous and GrayUK like this.

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