Hello I am using an Arduino uno I've built a Plasma table. And just started to use it but I've got some interferance issues when the computer/Usb cable is to close to the table/plasma, I've gotten some lost connection issues in the past, but I've only needed to reconnect the usb cable and start over. But now the last interfernce issue I got made the X axis stop working. I've tryed to restart/reflash/reset nothing works. I'm getting the error: 22 Feed rate has not yet been set or is undefined [$J=G91 G21 X1000 F0 ] Iam guessing something got corrupted during the interferance, What if anything could I do?
Feed rate not specific or undefined.... Versus F0 for a feedrate You can't move at 0mm/min it won't go anywhere. You probably don't have valid Max Rate values in Grbl Settings (if the log relates to a jog button entry)