looking at purchasing the 1515 to expand my 1010 cnc routing table. Is this easily accomplished? To be specific, are there any programming requirements needed to use the same step motors ect? Does the table come with instructions on how to upgrade from a smaller table or is there digital docs that will provide that information? Thanks in advance.
Load the LEAD1515 profile (CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Select machine from list > Save and Reset when prompted just like you loaded the 1010 profile when you set that up) The 1515 kit is a kit all of its own. No real "upgrade" path (not much usable on a smaller machine, 1515 uses lots of different parts. Only really electronics that usable. Remember to order longer cables the old ones will be too short. Might make more sense to sell the LEAD1010 in working order on like Facebook Marketplace and put that toward the 1515, than all the effort to strip it of just its electronics, leaving a dead frame behind