New problem today, Now the widget opens, enter all the data for flattening board for x-600mm, y-1100mm and z-0.5mm depth of pass, 1.0mm total depth.So there should be 2 passes. when getting to approximately y-1090mm an error message pops up.error 2 - Numeric value format is not valid or missing an expected value [G1 Z--0.5]. The job carries on to the full 1100mm, starts back to the start corner and comes to a stop x-9mm, y-9mm short of the zero home. Not sure what the issue is? Thanks for any help
You didn't enter any values as negatives my mistake by any chance (all inputs are just numbers, no minus entered, etc?)
Hi, sorry for the delay, OK, i was using my new laptop with win11 with this issue. I checked the GRBL settings, all is ok. Checked the input settings for Flattening/Surfacing widget and I see all is ok. When using the laptop it is plugged in all the time, set to never shut down. Even when running a smaller job I get the same result. ERROR message ; error.2 - Numeric value format is not valid or missing an expected value. [G1 Z--(what ever cut depth is input) ] I used my older PC and it ran the Flattening/Surfacing wizard and results were perfect.
Try V1.0.355 And make certain you did not enter any negative or incorrect parameters (Post Screenshot of parameters and copy of resultant gcode file for review)
checked GRBL all is normal.Checked inputs for the flattening/surfacing widget, no oddities. This error message seems tp pop up near the end of the task, alarm is on but does not halt the job, continues on to completion, starts back to zero and stops x-9mm, y-9mm short of zero. If you acknowledge the alarm spindle stops instantly. This error message pops up no matter the size of job.
GRBL settings. Another point is that I can take a Vectric file,input into Control and it works perfect.