So I have blackbox with 24v meanwell psu and openbuilds psu power case. Running stepper online nema 23 345oz steppers. Dual y and 1 x. Nema 17 for the z. I have been running this setup for about 4 months now with no issues. Today while jogging my machine, all steppers slowed to a crawl and started making a high pitched whine. I thought at first it missed steps. So I shut down, rebooted and tried again and now it continues to do this no matter which direction I jog it. X, y or z all movements are extremely slow and the whine is present on all steppers. All lights lighting up correctly on blackbox. When power supply is switched on, the red led on power case comes on and stays on. No settings have been changed. All went thru all wiring but everything seems good. Can a psu power up but just not able to supply enough amps to move steppers or does this sound like a blackbox issue?
Restore the last working Backup of your Grbl Settings (or double check your Grbl settings if you did not take a backup). High pitched whine sounds like steps per mm or acceleration/max rates values set incorrectly
Ok I will do so today after work. I remember i did glance at steps and they were what i had set them but didnt think to check acceleration. I didn't change any settings, haven't done so since getting it dialed in months ago. Is it possible for them to change on their own mid jog? I mean this happened as it was moving down the y axis. Wasn't cutting, just jogging into position.
Not entirely on their own, but slips can happen. Just checking the more obvious cause first, based on the symptoms described. If its not that we'll dig deeper
Hey there so finally got some time this am to check settings. So it appears you were right that slip ups can happen. I found that the jog toggle was set to 10%. Reset it and all is well. So I know I didn't do it with the mouse so wondering is there a keystroke that will do this? As I do use the keyboard when making movements, arrow buttons and page up/down... I want to thank you for your quick response, this is by far the best cnc community!