Hello and congratulations for your work. Control Software is excellent for most quick and easy tasks and a joy to work with. It is designed very well, it is visually clean and helps with the work area perception. Its really nice that it is always updated as well. It is also excellent for error checking your CNC. I have built a modified version of Workbee and I work mostly with Art pieces that I digitally sculpt or scan from my material work etc. I would like to request three features to be added if possible that I believe would make a big difference. 1. Change line color when it has been sent, so if there is an accident or you have to stop you can visually identify where you are. 2. Run G-Code from specific line. Like Mach3, Candle Grbl has it. You select a line, tell it to run from here, it takes the header of the code and pops up a window etc. It would be extremely useful for resuming after changing broken bits, or lost steps or whatever. It chops the preview, or it shows it with diffent color etc. 3. Give the choice of planing direction in the Flatten Wizard. When working with natural wood it is desirable to be able to Raster along the grain, and since large gantry style CNCs usually have two motors along Y-Axis they are nicer to raster along Y (In mine at least). Nevertheless it is also a matter of fitting the material onto the bed, and sometimes it is not convenient to use X-Axis Thank you in advance and again congratulations for your work. Filippos P.S: A "Home" and a "Run Job" button on the mobile jog would be great too. Probing as well... P.S2: Is there a way to view Machine Coordinates as well to have a reference? P.S3: I have been thinking a long time of posting that, so there are a lot of stuff
Some of those are already on the todo, some are debatable and some sadly we cannot do. See OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL and feel free to create individual feature requests so they can get tagged and handled accordingly (all together in one issue makes it hard to assign and manage, so please split into individual "issues" when you log ideas - just easier on the team)