I wrapped my first test job with the lead 1010 today. This is a vectorized version of a block print done by Brian Reedy (Hand-made wood and linoblock prints by WoodcutEmporium on Etsy ) 3d carved using meshcam on 1/2 baltic. This was just to get my hands dirty on how the 1010 runs. It did a grand job but work holding is for sure going to be a new challenge for me compared to my much smaller shapeoko. I think I'm also going to replace the X and Z motors with servos to try to get some more speed out of the machine. This was all done in a single pass, 1/4 inch deep with a 1/8 ball nose at 15% stepover and took right at 10 hours. The black is from torching the raised areas, I'll then fill in the rest with a coat of lacquer followed by some water colors and then some more lacquer over the next several days.
Before replacing anything, first tweak what you have. Our profiles are very Conservative (newbie friendly)
Great advice. I jumped to replacing the motors because I have a pair of servos that aren't used, but you are right I've barely tweaked this 1010. Are there suggested max feed rates in GRBL ? I think right now it's set to 2500mm/m and I'm feeling pretty confident I can move that higher.
yeah you nailed that one. I was able to crank it to 6000mm/min before things felt sketchy. Thanks for keeping me grounded