Hey guy I’m have trouble with my z axis with my floating head. I’m able to “home all” my limit switches just fine, even the z axis to touch the material and raise up as it should. Once you start a job it raises up all the way or will go down until it hits my limit switch (hard stop) Any ideas on how to reset this? I’m hoping after this is set I can make a first cut!
Did you wire your Floating head switch correctly (Probe input, not an endstop): See docs:blackbox:connect-plasma [OpenBuilds Documentation] Do post the gcode file too
; GCODE Generated by cam.openbuilds.com on 2022-04-18 G21 ; mm-mode G54; Work Coordinates G21; mm-mode G90; Absolute Positioning ; Operation 0: Plasma: Vector (path outside) ; Plasma Kerf: 1.2 G0 Z3; move to z-safe height G0 F1000 X85.4986 Y17.9964 G38.2 Z-30 F100; Probe G10 L20 Z0; Set Z Zero G0 Z1.5; Move to Pierce Height M3S1000; Tool On G4 P0.5; Pierce Delay G1 F700 Z1.5000 G1 F1000 X85.4986 Y19.3964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X35.4986 Y19.3964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X35.1926 Y19.4803 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X34.9773 Y19.6994 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X34.8986 Y19.9964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X34.8986 Y69.9964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X34.9825 Y70.3024 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X35.2016 Y70.5177 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X35.4986 Y70.5964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X85.4986 Y70.5964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X85.8046 Y70.5125 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X86.0199 Y70.2934 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X86.0986 Y69.9964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X86.0986 Y19.9964 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X86.0147 Y19.6904 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X85.7956 Y19.4751 Z1.5000 S1000 G1 F1000 X85.4986 Y19.3964 Z1.5000 S1000 M5; Tool Off ; retracting back to z-safe G0 Z3
G0 Z3; move to z-safe height G0 F1000 X85.4986 Y17.9964 G38.2 Z-30 F100; Probe G10 L20 Z0; Set Z Zero is this what you're referring to?
Jog into position, Zero out the DROs using the SetZero buttons so the machine knows where the stock is
I’m sorry what is the DRO? Do you set the xy- above the work Z- to touch/ just about to touch metal Then probe test and then home the limits?
Home first Zero XY Zero Z too at least within the distance you allowed probing (if you allow - 30mm in your G38.2 it will only search down 30mm before giving up) Probe as part of the job Dro = digital read outs
Ok so I’m the application setting Plasma: Touch off sequence G38.2 (Z30 this is the 30mm drop detection?) or G38.2 Z-30 F100;Probe G10 L20 Z0; Set Z (Zero) change this to the drop detection sequence
Starts at where you last zeroed + the Z move above it. Then moves down a max of 30mm Sets Zero where the probe stopped Thats not what I refer to when I ask: You, as operators sets the stock zero initially (front, left corner, just above the surface)