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FTDI driver issue w/ XPro V3 on OSX Sierra

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by Oddturkout, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Oddturkout


    Jan 12, 2016
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    Can't seem to get ftdi drivers to work, I was able to connect to USB port and update the GRBL on the board earlier in the day and run the stepper motors using Universal G-Code sender.

    Figured I would install new drivers from ftdi:
    D2XX Direct Drivers
    Virtual COM Port Drivers

    Installed both and after I disconnected the XPro to add another axis stepper drive. When I connect the board back and launched Universal G-Code sender, I got the no serial ports found error.

    I can see in system information "FT231X USB UART" when ever is board is plugged.

    Anyone dealt with this? When I plug an Arduino DUE I can see
    /dev/tty.usbmodem1411 when I type "ls /dev/tty*"
    which is what I think I used to see when the XPro was plugged in.. not anymore,

    Any ideas?

  2. Dr.O

    Dr.O New

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I was coping with same thing

    You should uninstall drivers, remove any leftovers.
    Then restart
    Install virtual comport driver and restart again

    That's work for me

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