I'm looking for a few people to test an updated Fusion 360 post processor. The new version will create separate gcode files for every tool change in your setup. I've been using it for a week without issue, but need some other folks to test before we add it to the swarfer post. If you'd like to help, please DM me.
I've been looking for a post processor for grbl. I'd like to help because I'm having trouble finding one that works without errors! let me know how to download the file.
Hi @sharmstr, I just had a play with your post processor. I'm probably being stupid (won't be the first time) but I thought the idea was you selected the toolpaths you wanted to post process and your processor would generate separate nc files for each toolpath. It works fine if I just select a single toolpath (although it uses G53 and G54 so I can't run the code directly on my Duet without changing those) Alex.
No. It creates a new file when a different tool number is found. So, lets say you have 5 tool paths. 1,2 and 3 use tool 1 4 uses tool 2 5 uses tool 1 If you dont select any tool paths, 3 files will be generated. The first file will have toolpaths 1,2 and 3. The second file will have tool path 4, the third file will have tool path 5. If you select tool paths 1, 2, 3 and 5, only one file will be generated since they all use the same tool. If you select tool paths 2, 4 and 5, 3 files will be generated. For the duet, a little find and replace magic on the gcode file will sort you.
Works like a dream - I didn't realise you could/had to specify a tool number - just found out how to. Alex.
I tested it on a test piece I'm using for my own experiments - face, pocket and contour. I'm heading in the opposite direction - one nc file containing all the toolpaths with a macro/subprogram between each toolpath to allow a toolchange + Z probe. Alex.
@sharmstr said "For the duet, a little find and replace magic on the gcode file will sort you." - unfortunately not on their own -the Duet uses G54 as machine co-ordinates, but it still seems to be modal, so just changing G53 to G54 will not restrict the co-ordinate change to a single line. With the Duet if you invoke G54 to use absolute co-ordinates you have to remember to use G55 to change back to workplace co-ordinates. (which is a pain!). Alex.
Excuse me for my "newbe" ignorance, but once you post process this into a grbl, one should be able to use this with any Arduino based controller? (ie: Blackbox). I'm still trying to figure out getting designs from fusion to the Blackbox. I'm way behind the learning curve. Thanks
The linked file is a custom post for grbl. I use it with my BlackBox. You can use it with other grbl based controllers as well. Here's directions on how to use a custom post in Fusion: How to install a Personal (local) Post Processor in Fusion 360 CAM | Fusion 360 | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Don't be confused by my post above - it refers to the Duet controller from Ooznest which uses a slightly non-standard implementation of g-code. Alex.
Sharmster, I was wondering how your post processor was coming along and if it was something I could take a look at. Thx