Hi Anyone had any issues using the grbl post processor with black back controller? I have set a basic 3d job up with pin holes. The first operation is to bore the holes out for the pins but the cnc just crashes nto the stock first then lifts above the work piece.It should lift above first then start the operation. see photos. SVDCheekRest_Component1 v5.f3d https://drive.google.com/open?id=14-9OVyZYwfWl5nKeZWiubBXJnj9nWK-z&usp=drive_fs
In your gcode you have: G28 G91 Z0 I'm assuming that this isn't deliberate (if it is, then you need to set G28 in a safe position) and that you've selected G28 under the 'Safe retract' option in the post-processor dialogue (possibly the default). Change this setting to 'Clearance Height' It also looks like you're using the Autodesk GRBL post processor - There's an OpenBuilds optimised version available that many people use (but you need to have homing operational to use it) - Look for any of @David the swarfer 's posts - there's a link in his signature.
Youre right. using the Openbuilds post processor works. The simualtion shows the tool going into the work but it actually lifts. Thank you
sadly the simulation does not know how to display the G28 nor G53 moves correctly. I think one could use the length set for the Z length to figure out how high to lift for a G53 G0 Z-5 move (and just do the same for a G28 move, or maybe use the G28 offsets for an exact move relative to home?), maybe one of the CONTROL authors wants to take this on as a Christmas challenge?