For want of a better description, how do I tweak the settings for the motion of the tool head from origin to cutting point? I have managed to identify and define the point where the tool is at origin, what I haven't figured out is the height of the movement. A illustration of what is happening is the the tool is zero at origin. However, it translated to the cutting point at a height of 10mm (Eg) and moves up to the rest height at 25mm before beginning the cut at 20mm (Stock height). I want to have the tool move from origin to z 25 before translating to cut point at height z 25 before begining its toolpath cut. Is this a Fusion issue? If so, where is the part where I can define that. Thanks.
Thanks, went through the video. Sadly it doesn't really address my issue. Can you have a look at the attached video and comment on the cause and hopefully the solution? I am trying to pinpoint the movement from origin to retraction.