Hi all, Not sure if this is a bug in GRBL itself or BlackBox controller but: Fusion360 has now added an extra long comment line: "When using Fusion 360 for Personal Use, the feedrate of rapid moves is reduced to match the feedrate of cutting moves, which can increase machining time. Unrestricted rapid moves are available with a Fusion 360 Subscription.)" OpenBuilds controller handles this and will simulate the moves, however when sending to the BlackBox the queue remains empty and nothing happens. Removing the line fixes it. Hope this helps someone!
docs:software:fusion360 [OpenBuilds Documentation] the download link on the Documentation is also up to date, no way to automate updates, so its good to check every now and then to see if the post has had any updates: See OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor
That long comment is a result of the new restrictions on 'personal' fusion360 usage licenses, you shoudl have got an email from them about 3 weeks ago about this. (-: Changes to Fusion 360 for personal use | Fusion 360 | Autodesk Knowledge Network The Openbuilds post has been updated to cater for these changes.