Hi All, I have a question being new to Post Processing and wanted to get some feedback. I have created a simple 2D profile to generate an NC program from. I have created a setup in Fusion360 for Plasma and selected openbuilds post: (Post-Processor : OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrbl2.cps V1.0.30) My 2D Profile Heights Top Height - Offset: .8mm Retract Height : 10mm Clearance Height: 20mm Here's the issue In the code that gets posted I am not seeing any Z height changes. I verified running on my machine. What am I missing?
did you select 'LASER: Use Z motions at start and end.' in the post options? This applies to PLASMA as well. in your gcode: Code: (Made in : Autodesk CAM Post Processor) (G-Code optimized for controller) (OpenBuilds CNC : GRBL/BlackBox) (Post-Processor : OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrbl2.cps V1.0.30) (Units = mm) (Laser UseZ = false) (Drawing name : Untitled) (Program Name : 1001) I do have a new version of the post almost ready to release that affects how laser mode does some moves, this may side effect plasma mode, I cant recall the details of the changes right now. Do you mean you want Z motions at the start and end of every move? I can enable that as an option if it is really applicable to plasma, I believe the usual way is to enable 'stay down' and 'avoid previous cuts' which makes the head take rapid paths that go around parts that have already been cut to avoid hitting the slag, I assume.
Hi David, Thanks for the quick response. I noticed the issue when using a pen to trace machine paths. The code generated by control performs lifts after each cut to avoid any collisions, so was expecting the same. I see what you are saying and maybe its not needed. I have not performed any cuts yet still in set up mode. I will try enabling use z motions at start/end
Would it be possible to add the feature in next release for z motions for each cut. It would be useful if we could toggle this in the program.
Update to the latest release, this should do what you need Release V1.0.31 ยท OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor