Hi there, Trying to cut my first piece ever using a CNC but had the attached error. error: 11 - Max Characters per line exceeded (then a line of G Code) Attached is a screenshot. Can anyone explain to me what's happened and how to solve it? Thank you so much in advance to anyone who can help. James
The issue is all the digits after the decimals in your coordinates. I dont know any machine on earth that can cut to that type of precision. How is your gcode being generated?
Thank you both so much for your replies. I'm using MakerCam as suggested by Jay Bates. Can you recommend a better G Code generator? Would the Open Cam software create the correct standard of code? I've opened the G Code that MakerCam generated and every coordinate seems to be to 12 decimal places! James
A long time ago this was supposed to have been fixed in MakerCam Rounding Float Values · Issue #4 · shapeoko/makercam with a pull request (PR6) but I don't see where that pull was ever merged. OR you have a very old version installed. Maybe you should open an issue with MakerCam and have this fixed properly at source?