Hi all, Im having issues as well with my gcode. this is the error I am getting. i am using universal gcode sender. Thanks
What controller do you have. What cam software are you using, and what post processor are you using with it? The error code is telling you that your g-code contains a command that isn't recognised. If you save a copy of your g-code as a txt file add it to a reply here and we can have a look at what might be causing the problem. Alex.
I am using solidcam as my cam software, the post processors selected within solidcam is just the default M3AXIS-TUTORIAL (i think this may be the issue), and using universal gcode sender.
I don't know solidcam, so may not be able to give exact advice, but the post processor you use has to match the language of your controller - what controller/control language do you use? (eg is it a grbl controller)
There's a G43 in there, and H01, etc which aren't supported by Grbl: See gnea/grbl abut halfway down lists the gcodes supported by Grbl, you always need to use a Grbl compatible post processor
Hi guys, just searching the forum for this error message because I've started to get this myself. Something tells me theres been an update to Fusion because I always had to delete some code for a T1 M6 error, and Fusion's post hasn't been producing that recently. Some jobs have worked, others haven't. Interesting to me some of these jobs are essentially the same except for the size. Is there anywhere that lists unsupported codes for grbl so I could look out for them in future? I've uploaded two anyway just in case. I was suggested to use Open Builds post processor before and I tried it. I can't remember exactly but it was different to how a job would usually start it might have been crashing into the material. Something was already going wrong at the time and I didn't want to change too much so I just switched back to Fusion. Looking at Open Builds post processor now, if I visualise it in UGS I can see the safe heights aren't automatic assumed the same as the retracted height set in Fusion but it seems easy to fix with G53 G0 Z as anything above 0 at the start and end. Is there anything else I should know before I get annoyed at some silly oversight?
While no list of unsupported ones (that would be a very long list) the Grbl Wiki lists its support g-codes about halfway down the page on gnea/grbl Our post takes care of removing the bad gcodes already Grbl will also error out on any unsupported Gcodes, so you can run it through Check Mode: See gnea/grbl
So I tested the Open Builds post today. No material, spindle off, and it stops dead like it has before and when I return to zero the CNC thinks it's at the machine zero instead of the work zero. This is what happened the first time, I checked the power cables leading to the board and the seem secure. The second I actually checked what UGS said [error 20]. It happens so quick, it's hard to see if the board loses power for a second and powers back on or if it's the bluetooth adapter? This has only been an issue since I've had the adapter.