Hey guys it’s been a while since I’ve been in this thread so I’m not up-to-date to what people are building right now but I currently have a sphinx 1000mm x 800mm, 2.2 kw spindle, vacuum pucks, mister all powered by black box and pi running bcnc. I’m wanting to upgrade to something that uses linear rails and Ball screws don’t know if it’s possible with C-beam (should be with custom plates) And I would like to run it with closed loop Steppers with Masso controller for future atc. My Question is has anybody attempted to do this before in the past and if yes did they run into any issues. Any information or suggestions will be a great help. ill post some pictures of my current set up.
Linear rails are simple enough. They can attach to the C-beam with drop in tee nuts. You can attach carriage brackets to the existing wheel bolt holes in your gantry brackets. Similar to what a few of us have done on the workbee 1510 Workbee Modified