Hi there, I am working on my very first 3D printer build! I'm pretty excited, but also lack a lot of knowledge in the area. My build is going to be a small cantilever printer that uses three NEMA 17 motors to power two belt driven linear actuators (X, Y) and one lead screw driven linear actuator (Z). I think I have the hardware down (though if anyone has advice for first time builders, I am all ears!) though I am feeling a bit lost when it comes to the electronics; namely, the controller. I have been looking at getting the Mini-Rambo, but there are so many options out there. It seems very easy to make a mistake. Would the Mini-Rambo be a suitable controller for my purposes? For a bit of additional information: I plan on buying the 12V/29A power supply from the Open Builds store and using an Arduino/RPi to interface with the controller. Thank you for your help!
No advice from my side on a controller, but, do want to advise on your choice of voltage. 24v 3D printers run better: faster acceleration, cooler drivers, faster bed and hotend heat up times, better PID responses... 12v 3D printing is soooo 2005 (; as are RAMPS (only supported 12v) hehe