Hello group. I'm trying to figure out why my grbl settings change whenever I use another program like Picsender. or when I restart OB control. So far I've been reloading them manually. I sure I'm not seeing something simple. I'm running OB blackbox and custom machine. Thanks for any insight. Frank
Picsender's annoying Auto Grbl settings "feature" - Automatic switching ?? - PicEngrave Forum It loads it from two files on disk changes in GRBL not saving - PicEngrave Forum - annoying right! Just disable that feature in PicSenders Grbl settings page (theres a tickbox for loading settings automatically) or use a more trusted application: See docs:software:overview [OpenBuilds Documentation] We don't think its cool for a application to change your Grbl settings without asking you to. CONTROL will NEVER change your settings without you going into Grbl Settings, doing changes, and clicking Save. No surprises